Real Wedding Featured - Kerry and Richard
It's always a huge thrill and honor to have our clients' weddings featured in the media and this month, Kerry and Richard's wedding in Manuel Antonio is in Destination Weddings and Honeymoons Magazine! It was a gorgeous affair, with the ceremony on the beach at Buena Vista Villas and then a fun reception at Costa Verde. Guests from all over the USA, South Africa, Europe and Asia danced and dined in the rainforest at this travel-themed celebration. Kerry and I had a fabulous time coming up with unique touches that would reflect their relationship and love of adventure (Richard is a safari guide - need we say more?). Thanks to the wonders of the internet, we were able to create a relaxed yet elegant setting, despite me being in Costa Rica and Kerry living in South Africa.The amazingly talented emilie from Maine shot the wedding (hellooo gorgeous images), thanks to my winning her contest through Pink Initiative. Richard was so impressed with her work that emilie and hubby J are leading a photographic safari with Richard in South Africa this December. Love the serendipity of it all!Congratulations again, Kerry and Richard! It was so wonderful working with you and so excited your celebration was chosen to be in print!!