Destination W Magazine Launches with Masako & Chris on Cover!

Destination W CoverIt's not every day that a new wedding magazine launches, so the news that Destination W Magazine is out today was very exciting. Even better is that the cover is graced by Weddings Costa Rica bride Masako! She and groom Chris' wedding in Dominical (planned by our fabbo planner, Randy Gritz) is featured with lots of wonderful photos by Comfort Studio and super useful tips.Konishi_Soule_ComfortStudio_468_0_lowKonishi_Soule_ComfortStudio_251_0_lowKonishi_Soule_ComfortStudio_628_0_lowwhite cala table arrangementwhite cake with white flowersbamboo benchescouple on beachcute wedding invitationfun wedding receptionwhite cake with flowerscouple on beach driftwood canopyseating cardswhite lilly and hydrangea arrangementluminariesPaloma's nest ring bowlFlower girl on beachfireworks at weddingCongratulations to Masako and Chris - wishing you a lifetime of Pura Vida!


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